Chris L. Robinson
2 min readMar 10, 2020


“Is that what the black manosphere is about?”

MOA: The Black Manosphere is about many things — and if Fountain were more evenhanded in his approach instead of letting his Social Justice Warrior horns show, you would know that.

“Why does so much of it seem to be about perceived undesirability and defects of black women instead of that choice?”

MOA: Because it isn’t “perceived” but in fact very real. In that Black men are still responsible for actually approaching and proposing to Black women, the fact that we have more confirmed Black bachelors than ever in American history, tells anyone with any modicum of commonsense, that clearly Black men ain’t buying what Black women are selling. I’m speaking in broad generalities of course, but the empirical evidence backs my assertions up: Black marital rates at all-time lows; Black infidelity rates, male and female alike, the highest in the nation; the out of wedlock birthrate through the roof; the sheer level and degree of acrimony unheard of anywhere else in American life; the list goes on.

Oh, and if you would like to read a reasoned “official” response to Fountain’s piece here, head on over to my latest column over at the Negromanosphere:

NEW COLUMN: A Founding Father Of The Black Manosphere Responds #Negromanosphere

Would love to get your reaction and response. Thanks!


Well, I don’t agree that people should be together that don’t want each other. And I reaffirm my position that they worst thing that can happen in the community is forcing unwanted unions.

You know, I never read cover to cover, “Don’t Blame It On Rio”, though I have skimmed it before. Isn’t the whole book about black men going to Brazil to buy prostitutes?

I’m surprised you’d reference a book like that as support for your position. Yes, prostitutes the world over will do what they can to make you happy for money.

Is that what black women are denying you? No-strings-attached sexual hookups for money?

And I don’t come to this discussion blind. I am not familiar with many of the players in the “Black” manosphere, but have some familiarity with the White one.

Most of what I have seen in the BM is about denigrating black women. I don’t know why you’re surprised that people aren’t talking about the three-hour shows done about “black men and the importance of exercise” or marathon sessions about “black men and tapping into your creativity” or some such.

If someone writes a review about a health club that is infected with MRSA, most of the review is going to be about MRSA! I’m just sayin’…

Finally, do you, personally, support the idea of marriage? Are you married? Have you ever been married?



Chris L. Robinson
Chris L. Robinson

Written by Chris L. Robinson

Top Writer in Parenting, and Food. I write about masculinity, fatherhood, family, and relationships.

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