I’m pulling for you, Shaunta!
I’m stuck lately, too. But I realized a while ago that setting Big Hairy Audacious goals doesn’t help me to do the daily naked mole rat goals that will help to achieve them.
For example, I learned to swim nearly ten years ago, when I was forty years old.
‘And, like you, I have a swimming goal. A Big Hairy One. Made the promise to myself in November. Despite not having been in a pool for a year.
The swim is In July.
And I still haven’t been in the pool.
The truth is that it is cold in Chicago and I know that I’ve lost not only swimming endurance, but technique — and my technique was never good to begin with.
So I procrastinate.
And it’s hard to set an easy ten minute pool goal when so much of what I hate would STILL be part of that goal:
I hate going to the pool in the cold.
I hate getting used to the cold water.
I hate going back out into the cold after having been in the pool.
Still, I’ve gotta figure it out.
But I look forward to being your accountability partner in your exercise. You’ve already been mine in my writing and I am happy to join you in 10x100 for that.